
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Letter to My Future Children

My Dearest Angel,
You don't exist anywhere but in my dreams, but one day you will fill my arms with your tiny body, my heart with your perfection, my eyes with your adorableness.  One day, my life will be sweeter than it's ever been.  The day you come into this world will be the most amazing day of my life and the day your father and I give you a little brother or sister will be another most amazing day of my life.  You are loved before you have been created.  You should feel special, very special. 
When I think of the little human you will be I see a huge love of life!  You'll embrace nature, smile wide, laugh loud and love with all your being.  You'll be witty like your father and slightly awkward like your mama.  You'll have athletic legs, a fair complexion, probably red hair and tiny eyes, but baby, you'll be beautiful inside and out!  Your mama's heart will be passed on to you.  You'll be a little nurturing with a dash of mischief.  Without a doubt, you will be intelligent.  I cannot wait to witness how you see life and use that noggin of yours. It will without a doubt, be interesting and wonderful!
Since I know your father well, I know you will have a golf club in your hands at a young age.  I hope for your dad's sake that you enjoy the game.  For me, as long as you are happy, I'll be happy.  We'll definitely enjoy the outdoors and music together. I know you'll be a dancing baby because your dancing mama will be carrying you and moving to music is in my blood, so I have faith it will be in your blood.  You'll make someone very happy one day! 
I don't know if you'll be a boy or a girl, but I think you'll like mud, being dirty and being naked.  I've never imagined having a child that didn't like any of those things.  Bugs won't scare you.  You'll be a tough cookie that saves spiders and picks up worms from the street. 
The only thing I know for an absolute fact is that you will be loved, very loved and you will feel that love from not only your mama, but your entire family! 
Can't wait to meet you one day little angel!
Your Mama
Much love.

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