
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

A First Mother's Day Photoshoot in Black & White

This little guy has made his mama the happiest woman in the world!
He's almost three months old and has a very strong personality!
His facial expressions and pure strength never cease to amaze me.
I'm very lucky to be able to rock him to sleep, bounce him through
cranky periods, and see his face light up from big smiles and silly voices!
Taking pictures of him is so pleasant!  
Just look at his adorable face. 
Who wouldn't want to hang out with him and take pictures?
Enjoy his first Mother's Day shoot in black and white tones.
Please comment/critique. 
I'm not a professional photographer.
I just enjoy capturing faces and moments.


  1. These pictures are gorgeous!

    1. Thank you! I am working on taking better pictures, but it's a long process. The technical end is challenging for me.

  2. The photos themselves are really lovely. I think you're going a bit overboard in the editing... there's a lot of harsh shadows and blown out light. I think everyone does that when they are just starting out. I know I did! I would also try to keep the colors consistent. I'm seeing grey tones, blue, yellow, and sepia. I think photoshoots look best with two types. For example: some in regular color and then some in black and white. Or sepia. Something consistent, so it doesn't look like the photographer is just using everything in photoshop at the same time. If that makes sense. Joy Moody is REALLY good at capturing that balance, in my opinion.


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