
Monday, September 24, 2012


Little man is starting CCD tomorrow at our local church and we are both very excited!  Im really impressed with how excited he is about it because its another hour of class.  CCD stands for Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.   Im not sure he completely understands what it entails, but since he has gone to other Christian studies groups (Rock Salt, Bible Study) there is a good chance he has an understanding.  I went to Catholic school my entire life, so I never had to go to CCD or any Christian education class.  I know what he will learn, but I am not familiar with the speed that it will be taught.  I hope to learn a lot in my CCD Parent Orientation tomorrow night.
Jared has been going to church with me ever since he moved out with us and he sits quietly either reading his Childrens bible, listening to the priest, or staring into space.  Regardless, he is definitely listening and remembering things about Mass.  He knows some of the responses, asks me questions about the homily and why people bless themselves at certain times.  On several occasions he has said things along the lines of Well, the priest saidat church this morning. Or Remember that story about the fishing and the bread?  There are certain stories that stick with a little boyand fishing is one of them.  Hes also asked me what a Virgin isI told him a virgin was an unmarried young woman.  I was proud of my quick thinking.  Im definitely NOT ready to have any conversations about virgins, sex or the like with a 10 year old. 
I hope his excitement lasts.  There are a few other children on our street that go to CCD as well, but I am not sure that they will be in the same class or not.  Luckily, Jared doesnt seem to have any worries about knowing anyone. Im sure he will do great and I hope that he absolutely loves his teacher and his class. 
At the end of Mass, he collects all the missalette (books with readings) that people left in the pews.  Its his mission along with multiple other little kids to collect the most.  Several older people hand their books to him and smile.  Its priceless!   
Tomorrow I will hopefully have an update on his CCD class.
Much love.


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