
Friday, March 9, 2012


We use Scallions in eggs, mashed potatoes and randomly for seasoning.  It wasn't until recently while browsing Pinterest that I came across a pin indicating that if you put your scallions in water after using most of the green onion portion, they will sprout!

As you can see, it totally works!  I literally chopped my scallions down to about an inch or two of green, put them in a little jar with water, left them on my windowsill in my kitchen and walla, sprouts started within days!! 

I honestly believe, I will never have to buy scallions again in my life!  I know they are cheap, but hey, every penny counts these days! Plus, they make for a cute little inside decoration!  I love have live plants in my house. 

Anyone know of any other plants I can do this with? 

Much love.


  1. We started pepper plants and an apple sapling from seeds of food we ate! Our pepper are just getting buds on them! If you plant herbs or lettuce, you can just trim what you want to use and the plants will keep growing! :)

    1. Wow!! That is awesome! Did you start them in jars of water or in soil? I would imagine soil... I have trimmed sweet mint before and started new plants, but I haven't had much luck with basil. (Those are the only two I have tried recently.) Thanks for the input! I appreciate it!

  2. Cool! A lot of plants will grow in water like that. My dad taught me that when I was little:) Anyway I use them in quinoa (it was the patty cake food item on my blog this week). Have to log in from my computer and add the recipe links.

    1. Good to know! I'll be sure to check your blog for that recipe!


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