
Friday, December 30, 2011

Birthday Trifecta with a side of Christmas Eve

In order from youngest to oldest...

Disclosure: I have been extremely emotional these past few days.

Happy Birthday Daddy!

He is an amazing father, husband and role model!  Through all my life, he has supported me and guided me when necessary.  Words cannot explain how lucky I feel to have such a wonderful man as my father.  His sense of humor isn't appreciated by all, but I get him spot on!  It must be a father-daughter thing...and I love it!  With age he has begun to care less about what others think and do and say things he wouldn't otherwise have done 10 years ago.  Generally, it's really funny and sweet!  Sometimes it is a bit shocking, but always, he is honest!  Honesty, loyalty and whole-bodily feeling are just a few of his characteristics that I admire.  Happy Birthday Pops!  I wish you a year of adventures, passion and good health!  I love you!

Happy Birthday Granny!
Although she is no longer with us, she is remembered and loved! My Granny is my father's mother whom birthed him on her birthday!  Pretty darn neat if I do say so myself!  In the words of my little sister and in keeping with her strong faith"She gets to celebrate her birthday with Jesus!"   And that must rock!   Happy Birthday Granny!  We love you, pray for you and remember you always!

Happy Birthday Baby Jesus!
Yes, we sing Happy Birthday Baby Jesus on Christmas morning before presents are opened and after coffee is brewed.  In all my years of singing happy birthday, I have never heard such amazing harmony of morning grogginess as we had this year!  Those altos...Father, brothers and husband, really blended well with us lady sopranos!  Oh traditions, how I love thee!

**Speaking of traditions, I am looking forward to having little ones that we can start new traditions with...such as The Elf on the Shelf!  I know this little Elf has caused some children fears, but I believe that if done properly, with some fudging of the rules, this little Elf could be awesome and a great tradition for our family.**

Christmas Eve is the holiday in my family!  And we get dolled up!!
Me & my Honey
Father & Son 
 Me and J-man
My mother, whom happens to be one of seven...six girls and one boy...all get together at a different sister's house each year with your significant others and growing families!  There are 14 grandkids, 4 great-grandkids, and a bunch of in laws!
Here are the older boy grandkids:
And here's the baby of the family:
It's a blast!  Gramma, the matriarch is in all her glory regardless of how much her body ached.  Her face says it all...

In the midst of craziness, she is just smiling!  This is love and pride in her family, pure love and pride!  And those are strong eyes. Some of the strongest I've ever witnessed.

Santa makes a little visit on Christmas Eve for the wee ones...this is another tradition that is fun!  This year my adorable and extremely animated husband played Santa and man-oh-man, he was a hoot! 
His belting entrance of Ho-Ho-Ho Merry Christmas alone was wonderful, but when he went into his I hear there have been lots of good little boys and girls here... the kids grew quiet and stared with wide-eyes for Santa's been keeping a list and checking it twice...  
Helping his get dressed, especially shoving a pillow up his shirt, was oh so fun!!  I was his sexy Mrs. Claus for a moment!  No one saw this Mommy kissing Santa though!  (I just had to use that line.)

After a fun-filled evening, we headed to Mass!  I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas Eve! 

Much love.

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