
Sunday, December 18, 2011

M.A. Economics

After 15 months of running regressions, stressing over exams, working through grueling derivations, being a complete maniac around my husband, I am proud to say that I graduated on Saturday, from ODU with my Masters in Economics!
 That's me handing my name off to the announcer! 
This is the smile Ryan's been waiting for...
Hearing your name announced is one of the greatest feelings of accomplishment and then hearing a loud, but very short and polite cheer following is even sweeter!  Thank you to my wonderful husband, parents, siblings and stepson, for supporting me through this journey!  I love them and I love school!  Total nerd alert here!
Me and my loving and proud parents!  I am the first in my family to receive a Masters degree!  My dad being the man that he is said congratulations and "you look damn good doing it!"  Love him!  Love them!
"The Kids" according to Mama!
My Sexy Husband!  Thank the Lord he supported me, stepped in to make dinners, and believed in my goal!  I love you babe!
J-man and me!
My little sister!
Luckily for me, the class of 2011 was an awesome bunch!  We understood each other's freak-out moments, complained to one another, challenged ideas and thoughts, threw jabs at each other, and had a blast through the entire process...even while cramming for exams! 
That's us standing up!  The M.A. Econ peeps are the 6 on the right!
The day was surreal.  Graduations symbolize the end of coursework and the being of applying your knowledge, the end of one routine and the beginning of another, the end of certainty and start of the unknown.  As we walked across campus for the last time as a group, we smiled and laughed, but deep down, we all knew this could be the last time we ever see one another...and that is truly sad.  We were a great bunch of students and with our parting of ways, the Econ cubicles are going to be much quieter and the department will shrink by over a 1/4 in size.  We were a core part of that program.  I will miss my classmates and professors, but I am excited about having time for my family and moving on in the world. 
I tried to get my cool 'winged' sleeves in the picture, but when you aren't the one taking the photos, you have little control. I am truly grateful to Ryan and my parents for coming and taking such great photos!   

The only thing that stands between me and the top of my ladder is the ladder.  Step by step, I will make my climb to my goal and it will be glorious!  I'm ready for the ride of my life!

Much love.


  1. I give you tons of credit, I never wanna go back to school! The classes I have to take here and there for nursing are enough. Congrats!

  2. Thanks! I LOVE school! I want to go for my PhD, but I cannot start a program until we know where we will be long term. The life of being married to a man in the military...
    My end goal is to be a professor and without and PhD, it is very challenging.


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